Antw: [postgis-users] load shapefile to postgis with SRIDproblem

Barend Köbben kobben at
Fri Jan 6 02:40:20 PST 2006

It's surely not only important for re-projection. It is important in any case where you care about the fact that your coordinates are not mere numbers, but have a specific relation (=the projection and datum=srid). 
For instance if you want to calculate distances and areas, or simply wnat to map them at a certain scale, you need to know what the numbers are in fact depicting...
Barend Köbben 
International Institute for Geo-information Sciences and  Earth Observation (ITC) 
PO Box 6, 7500AA Enschede (The Netherlands) 
ph: +31-(0)534874253; fax: +31-(0)534874335 


From: postgis-users-bounces at on behalf of Jürgen Mischker
Sent: Fri 06.01.2006 11:01
To: postgis-users at
Subject: Antw: [postgis-users] load shapefile to postgis with SRIDproblem

hi kurt - using --srid is not essential for loading shp into postgis and doing some spatial analysis with these data.
in my oppinion it is only important while re-projection. you also can add/change the  projection  of an exsisting postgis relation using the UpdateGeometrySRID() function later on.

good luck

>>> mtrp36 at 06.01.06 0.38 >>>
I am new to postgis and  have questions regarding SRID while loading
shapefile to postgis.
I have a shapefile which is Maryland US and I would like to load it to
postgis. What is the difference of using shp2pgsql with/without -s<SRID>
option? Is it only important while re-projection or it's essential for
creating database? Thanks


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