[postgis-users] Error using pgsql2shp

Bruce Rindahl rindahl at lrcwe.com
Wed Jun 14 14:08:49 PDT 2006

I am trying to convert a PostgreSQL/PostGIS table to a shapefile.  The table
looks fine and the geometry is good based on a web application.  PostGIS
version 1.1.2 and the RCSID for pgsql2shp is:
$Id: pgsql2shp.c,v 1.84 2006/04/18 14:09:28 strk Exp $

My command line is:
pgsql2shp -f test.shp DWR dwr_gis

where the database is DWR and the table is dwr_gis

I get:
FATAL:  database "Bruce" does not exist

"Bruce" is my user name on WinXP

The help options show the command should work - any ideas?
Bruce Rindahl

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