[postgis-users] Re: Why choose PostGIS?

Justin Bronn jbronn at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 17:32:39 PDT 2007

> I have read in some places that MySQL is not as OGC compliant as PostGIS
however I need an official source to prove this.

I won't repeat the links provided by others, go straight to MySQL's
documentation for the "authoritative" confirmation you need.  Further, there
are also official tickets for this support (slated for MySQL 7.0):


One of the MySQL developers, Alexey Botchkov, has implemented a MySQL branch
(off of 5.1) that provides Buffer(), Distance() Intersection(),
Sym_Difference(), Union().  It might be some work, but you could compile
this early MySQL branch for some rough benchmarks:


The only other "free" (but not open source) spatial database I know of is
IBM's DB2 with Spatial Extender:


I haven't used it, but it could be used as another spatial database source
for your benchmarking.

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