[postgis-users] Re: inserting LL RR into box2d

Ramachandran v.ramachandran at and.com
Thu Aug 9 22:16:06 PDT 2007

Hi Regina,

Thank you for your valuable guidance,
It works well,
It is 4326 spatial ref. but doesn't included decimal values,
However you have solved my problem,


> Bounding boxes aren't OGC geometry types and also don't have SRIDs.  Try
> just doing
> insert into box_test (id, box) values (1, 'BOX(1459678 4793288, 1459878
> 4793488)');
> it should automatically cast the string to a box2d object
> If you want a valid OGC geometry then you would set your box field to
> geometry instead of box2d and do something like
> ANSI SQL compliant
> insert into box_test values(1, setsrid(CAST('BOX3D(1459678 4793288,
> 1459878 4793488)' As box3d), 4326));
> or PostgreSQL shorthand
> insert into box_test values( 1, setsrid('BOX3D(1459678 4793288, 1459878
> 4793488)'::box3d, 4326));
>  Forgot to mention.  Your BOX doesn't look like 4326 spatial ref.  Are
> you sure it is and its not wishful thinking on your part.
> If it isn't, then figure out the spatial ref of it and then do
>  insert into box_test values( 1, transform(setsrid('BOX3D(1459678
> 4793288, 1459878
> 4793488)'::box3d, what_the_spatial_ref_really_is),4326));
> Hope that helps,
> Regina

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