[postgis-users] Problem : Within() incorrectly returns 'false'

Brent Wood pcreso at pcreso.com
Wed Jan 10 23:52:01 PST 2007

Mark Leslie a écrit :
> Arnaud,
> I've managed to track down the bug.  It seems that the algorithm
> determines any point to be within a zero length segment, which your
> polygon had a pair of.
> I've made the fix and committed it.

A zero length segment implies a duplicate vertex. 

I understood such a situation to be an invalid topology, so should get picked
up by isvalid(). Where a feature is invalid() a wrong answer from a query is
always possible, and is not necessarily a bug (although it is nice to get these
fixed :-)  

Are zero length segments one of the conditions picked up by isvalid()?


   Brent Wood

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