AW: [postgis-users] Unicode in PostGis

Stüwe Rolf Rolf.Stuewe at
Wed Jan 24 04:37:53 PST 2007

I have a problem with a polygon:
I want to create a shape-File from a geometry, which is a multipolygon by definition
with the statement:
pgsql2shp -f abc verdis_beta wsw_shp 

 and  get the following error message:
ERROR: Cannot have multiple geometry types in a shapefile.
Use option -t(unimplemented currently,sorry...) to specify what type of geometry you want dumped
where is the error?
And another question:
I think that I perhaps have overlapping geometrys in my table and they can not build a shapefile.
When I tryed to take the function "overlaps" to test my table (with 600,000 polygons) , the duration is very long, even on a small part of my data. 
How can I accelerate  the overlaps-function ?
Regards Rolf Stüwe
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