[postgis-users] Copy geometry from one table to another with insert statement fails]

Milo van der Linden mlinden at zeelandnet.nl
Fri Jul 20 09:20:17 PDT 2007

Hello Kevin, thank you for the response!

Kevin Neufeld schreef:
> Milo van der Linden wrote:
>> The original data is in shape files. With ogr2ogr I do a conversion
>> from the Dutch coordinate system to WGS84 and import it in a
>> temp_table in PostGIS.
> Did you know that PostGIS has a shape loader? You may find loading
> shape files easier with the shp2pgsql utility. Also, PostGIS can
> perform transformations on geometries ... you may not even need ogr.
> Just a thought.
I knew that, but I am very familiar with ogr and not with shp2pgsql.
Besides that, it is fired from a php script that is currently well under
control. Also, shp2pgsql is from the same development team as ogr, they
probably use the same code base.
>> When I execute the statement in pgAdmin, I get an error message from
>> postGIS:
>> ERROR:  new row for relation "infra_line2" violates check constraint
>> "enforce_srid_the_geom"
>> I tried to add USING SRID=32767 to the insert statement, but it fails
>> with another error message
> It sounds like the geometries in your temp table either doesn't have,
> or has a different SRID than your production table. Is the data in
> your staging table supposed to be the same projection as your
> production table? (ogr possibly didn't add an SRID to your imported
> geometries and they may be defaulting to -1). If this is the case,
> then you simply need to wrap your geometries with a setsrid function
> call, ie "SetSRID(the_geom, 32767)", assuming of course that 32767 is
> the SRID of your production table.
When I check my geometry meta table, the SRID for the staging table is
correct, even though it should be 4326 (wgs84), during the import ogr
decided to create a new srid that is a perfect copy of the standard
wgs84 SRID.
>     INSERT INTO public.infra_line2
>        (infraline_type,
>        infraline_polution,
>        infraline_comment,
>        infraline_startdate,
>        infraline_enddate,
>        infraline_top,
>        infraline_base,
>        the_geom,
>        idproject,
>        idsh0,
>        idshp)
>     SELECT
>     'type' as infraline_type,
>     CASE WHEN ver_inr='0' THEN FALSE WHEN ver_inr='1' THEN TRUE ELSE
>     FALSE END as infraline_polution,
>     opmerking as infraline_comment,
>     d_start as infraline_startdate,
>     d_stop as infraline_stopdate,
>     hoogte_top as infraline_top,
>     hoogte_bas as infraline_base,
>     setsrid(wkb_geometry, 32767) as the_geom,
>     1 as idproject,
>     6 as indsh0,
>     id as idshp
>     FROM bm_staging;
> Hope this helps,
Thank you for giving it a try, but no, it doesn't. I need to know why
the error is generated. Perhaps some one from postGIS development can
tell me?
> -- Kevin
> --------
> Kevin Neufeld
> Refractions Research Inc.
> kneufeld at refractions.net
> (250) 383-3022



Milo van der Linden
mlinden at zeelandnet.nl <mailto:mlinden at zeelandnet.nl>
milovanderlinden at gmail.com <mailto:milovanderlinden at gmail.com>
milo at 3dsite.nl <mailto:milo at 3dsite.nl>


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Milo van der Linden
mlinden at zeelandnet.nl <mailto:mlinden at zeelandnet.nl>
milovanderlinden at gmail.com <mailto:milovanderlinden at gmail.com>
milo at 3dsite.nl <mailto:milo at 3dsite.nl>


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