[postgis-users] Copy geometry from one table to another with insert statement fails]

Milo van der Linden mlinden at zeelandnet.nl
Sat Jul 21 02:26:04 PDT 2007

Kevin, you are growing to be my personal hero. I am getting a good
understanding here. I used to work with Spatialware from MapInfo a lot,
so I know the matter well. I had figured out that the geometry_columns
table would be something like mapinfo's mapcatalog.

I would love to write an article on the proces I now go to for the
official user documentation once I feel I controle the proces. The
article would be called something like:
"How to - copy spatial tables with options in postGIS"

Kevin Neufeld schreef:
> Ah, ok. Getting a clearer picture.
> It looks like your production table is currently empty which is why it
> returned nothing.
That is right!
> In response to your comment regarding the geometry_columns table...
> PostGIS is an add-on to PostgreSQL that simply adds a few new
> datatypes (ie. geometry, box3d), a few functions (ie. intersects(...),
> distance(...)) and a couple of tables (geometry_columns and
> spatial_ref_sys) to a database instance.
> In postgres, it's entirely possible to simply create a table with a
> geometry column by simply typing:
> CREATE TABLE public.tmp (id integer, the_geom geometry);
> However, creating a table this way would permit someone to insert
> geometries of varying types (ie. POINT, LINESTRING,...), of varying
> dimensions (2, 3 or 4D), and of varying projections (different SRIDs).
> What would be ideal is to add constraints to your table that would
> ensure that geometries are of the same type.
> One of the many functions added by PostGIS is addgeometrycolumn(...).
> Use this function whenever you want to add a geometry column to a
> table. So our previous example would be:
> CREATE TABLE public.tmp (id integer);
> SELECT addgeometrycolumn('public','tmp','the_geom',4326,'LINESTRING',2);
That is clear! Thank you, I will drop my hand made tables and recreate
them in this manner. It seems that OGR does it correct during import, so
the staging table can remain as is.
> This function simply adds a column called 'the_geom' of type
> 'geometry' to the public.tmp table, adds three constraints to the
> table (/enforce_dims_the_geom, enforce_geotype_the_geom, /and
> /enforce_srid_the_geom/), and inserts a row into the geometry_colums
> table.
> This ensures that the public.tmp table will only have geometries of
> type 'LINESTRING', are of 2 dimensions, and have an SRID of 4326.
> See (http://postgis.refractions.net/docs/ch06.html#id2997535)
> Whenever you drop a table, you must first use the
> dropgeometrycolumn(...) function that will automatically remove the
> necessary row from the geometry_columns table and drop the geometry
> column. Then you can drop the table.
That's clear and that was a function I was looking for. I will check if
it has been discussed to create a trigger for this, because I think that
would make life a bit easier.
> If you drop a table without calling dropgeometrycolumn first, you will
> have to manually delete the corresponding row in the geometry_columns
> table. Not a big deal, but a pain.
> There is nothing special at all about the geometry_columns table. It's
> just a simple table that stores metadata about the tables with
> geometry columns in the database, and as you've already discovered,
> it's easy to get out of date. It's really only there to be OGC
> compliant. Some applications, like mapserver, use this table to
> quickly find all the registered geometry columns in a database ...
> although a complete list can be obtained by looking at the system tables.
I understand. On the things that follow below, I have to get back on
that next week. It seems the person who contracted me closes it's VPN
connection in the weekend, so I cannot access the machine I was working
on! Hahaha, that is a way to force people to take weekends off.

> Hope that makes things clearer.
> Anywho, back to your problem, it sounds like there is an SRID
> constraint on your production table that only allows geometries with a
> certain SRID to be inserted into the table.
> You mentioned that you were using pgAdmin, right? When you select your
> table in pgAdmin, what is the exact table definition?
> If you use postgres's command-line terminal, psql, you could simply
> issue the following command: "\d infra_line2".
> This will show you the table definition and all the constraints on the
> table.
> I suppose you could also view the table's constraints which this
> query: (I think i got this right)
> SELECT c.relname as table_name, conname as constraint_name,
> pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(r.oid, true) as constraint_def
> FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint r, pg_class c
> WHERE r.conrelid = c.oid
> AND r.contype = 'c'
> AND c.relname = 'infra_line2';
> What you need to do is wrap your geometries with a
> setsrid(wkb_geometry, XXXX) when you insert them into the infra_line2
> table, where XXXX is the /enforce_srid_the_geom/ constraint you have
> on that table.
> Clear as mud?
> Have a great weekend!
> -- Kevin
> Milo van der Linden wrote:
>> Thank you Kevin, One step closer to goal!
>> I ran the 2 select statements you mentioned below and found out the
>> following;
>> - For infra_line2, it returns nothing!
>> - bm_staging returns the right value: 32767.
>> I then tried the following;
>> UPDATE infra_line2 SET the_geom = SetSRID(the_geom, (SELECT srid FROM
>> geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name = 'infra_line2'));
>> SELECT distinct( getsrid( the_geom ) ) FROM infra_line2;
>> SELECT distinct( getsrid( wkb_geometry ) ) FROM bm_staging;
>> But still infra_line2 returns nothing.
>> I noticed something else; when I drop a table, the entry in the
>> geometry_columns tables remains. And opposite, when I create a table,
>> no entry is set in the geometry_columns.
>> I am doing a project initiated by someone else, could it be that I
>> have to reinstall? Is there a way to check what version of postGIS is
>> the installed one?
>> I also read on the OGR forum that when there is just a tiny mismatch
>> between the way EPSG:4326 is described in the conversion script and
>> the way it is implemented in postGIS, OGR creates a new SRID during
>> import, that's why my coordsys is in 32767. For this I am going to
>> use SetSRID(the_geom, 4326)
>> Help apreciated! Special thanks to you, Kevin.
>> Kevin Neufeld schreef:
>>> The error is being generated because the geometries you are
>>> inserting into your production table have a different SRID than the
>>> constraint you have on your table. 
>>> You can either transform the geometries to the SRID of your table as
>>> you insert them, or you can simply set the SRID of your inserted
>>> geometries to be the same.
>>> For your insert query to work, these numbers should both be the same:
>>> SELECT distinct( getsrid( the_geom ) ) FROM public.infra_line2;
>>> SELECT distinct( getsrid( wkb_geometry ) ) FROM bm_staging;
>>> Cheers,
>>> -- Kevin
>>> Milo van der Linden wrote:
>>>> Hello Kevin, thank you for the response!
>>>> Kevin Neufeld schreef:
>>>>> Milo van der Linden wrote:
>>>>>> The original data is in shape files. With ogr2ogr I do a
>>>>>> conversion from the Dutch coordinate system to WGS84 and import
>>>>>> it in a temp_table in PostGIS.
>>>>> Did you know that PostGIS has a shape loader? You may find loading
>>>>> shape files easier with the shp2pgsql utility. Also, PostGIS can
>>>>> perform transformations on geometries ... you may not even need
>>>>> ogr. Just a thought.
>>>> I knew that, but I am very familiar with ogr and not with
>>>> shp2pgsql. Besides that, it is fired from a php script that is
>>>> currently well under control. Also, shp2pgsql is from the same
>>>> development team as ogr, they probably use the same code base.
>>>>>> When I execute the statement in pgAdmin, I get an error message
>>>>>> from postGIS:
>>>>>> ERROR:  new row for relation "infra_line2" violates check
>>>>>> constraint "enforce_srid_the_geom"
>>>>>> I tried to add USING SRID=32767 to the insert statement, but it
>>>>>> fails with another error message
>>>>> It sounds like the geometries in your temp table either doesn't
>>>>> have, or has a different SRID than your production table. Is the
>>>>> data in your staging table supposed to be the same projection as
>>>>> your production table? (ogr possibly didn't add an SRID to your
>>>>> imported geometries and they may be defaulting to -1). If this is
>>>>> the case, then you simply need to wrap your geometries with a
>>>>> setsrid function call, ie "SetSRID(the_geom, 32767)", assuming of
>>>>> course that 32767 is the SRID of your production table.
>>>> When I check my geometry meta table, the SRID for the staging table
>>>> is correct, even though it should be 4326 (wgs84), during the
>>>> import ogr decided to create a new srid that is a perfect copy of
>>>> the standard wgs84 SRID.
>>>>>     INSERT INTO public.infra_line2
>>>>>        (infraline_type,
>>>>>        infraline_polution,
>>>>>        infraline_comment,
>>>>>        infraline_startdate,
>>>>>        infraline_enddate,
>>>>>        infraline_top,
>>>>>        infraline_base,
>>>>>        the_geom,
>>>>>        idproject,
>>>>>        idsh0,
>>>>>        idshp)
>>>>>     SELECT
>>>>>     'type' as infraline_type,
>>>>>     CASE WHEN ver_inr='0' THEN FALSE WHEN ver_inr='1' THEN TRUE
>>>>>     ELSE FALSE END as infraline_polution,
>>>>>     opmerking as infraline_comment,
>>>>>     d_start as infraline_startdate,
>>>>>     d_stop as infraline_stopdate,
>>>>>     hoogte_top as infraline_top,
>>>>>     hoogte_bas as infraline_base,
>>>>>     setsrid(wkb_geometry, 32767) as the_geom,
>>>>>     1 as idproject,
>>>>>     6 as indsh0,
>>>>>     id as idshp
>>>>>     FROM bm_staging;
>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>> Thank you for giving it a try, but no, it doesn't. I need to know
>>>> why the error is generated. Perhaps some one from postGIS
>>>> development can tell me?
>>>>> -- Kevin
>>>>> --------
>>>>> Kevin Neufeld
>>>>> Refractions Research Inc.
>>>>> kneufeld at refractions.net
>>>>> (250) 383-3022
>>>> -- 
>>>> Milo van der Linden
>>>> mlinden at zeelandnet.nl <mailto:mlinden at zeelandnet.nl>
>>>> milovanderlinden at gmail.com <mailto:milovanderlinden at gmail.com>
>>>> milo at 3dsite.nl <mailto:milo at 3dsite.nl>
>>>> http://www.3dsite.nl
>>>> De informatie in dit bericht reflecteerd mijn persoonlijke mening
>>>> en niet die van een bedrijf of instantie. Aan de informatie kunnen
>>>> geen rechten worden ontleend. Indien dit bericht onderdeel is van
>>>> een forum, mailing-list of community dan gelden automatisch de
>>>> bijbehorende voorwaarden.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Milo van der Linden
>>>> mlinden at zeelandnet.nl <mailto:mlinden at zeelandnet.nl>
>>>> milovanderlinden at gmail.com <mailto:milovanderlinden at gmail.com>
>>>> milo at 3dsite.nl <mailto:milo at 3dsite.nl>
>>>> http://www.3dsite.nl
>>>> De informatie in dit bericht reflecteerd mijn persoonlijke mening
>>>> en niet die van een bedrijf of instantie. Aan de informatie kunnen
>>>> geen rechten worden ontleend. Indien dit bericht onderdeel is van
>>>> een forum, mailing-list of community dan gelden automatisch de
>>>> bijbehorende voorwaarden.
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>> -- 
>> Milo van der Linden
>> mlinden at zeelandnet.nl <mailto:mlinden at zeelandnet.nl>
>> milovanderlinden at gmail.com <mailto:milovanderlinden at gmail.com>
>> milo at 3dsite.nl <mailto:milo at 3dsite.nl>
>> http://www.3dsite.nl
>> De informatie in dit bericht reflecteerd mijn persoonlijke mening en
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>> rechten worden ontleend. Indien dit bericht onderdeel is van een
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>> bijbehorende voorwaarden.



Milo van der Linden
mlinden at zeelandnet.nl <mailto:mlinden at zeelandnet.nl>
milovanderlinden at gmail.com <mailto:milovanderlinden at gmail.com>
milo at 3dsite.nl <mailto:milo at 3dsite.nl>


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