[postgis-users] postgis 1.2.1 manual

Stefan Zweig stefanzweig1881 at web.de
Mon Jun 11 03:08:08 PDT 2007

hi list,

maybe this is actually more for the postgis-developers-forum, but anyway:

i am bit afraid, since postigis-function names seem to change from the 1.2.1 release to the 1.2.2 release of postgis. at least that's what the current online documentation (http://postgis.refractions.net/docs/ch06.html) is suggesting.

is the 1.2.2 release already available?

i am a bit disappointed though, because new function names would involve that quite a lot of querys would have to be changed.

is there still a manual available for the 1.2.1 release (i am working with that release at the moment and would need the documentation of that release) and where can i get that?

thanks in advance, stefan
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