[postgis-users] docs

Brent Wood pcreso at pcreso.com
Tue May 1 00:45:47 PDT 2007

--- Michael Welter <mike at telecommatters.net> wrote:

> Where can I find docs for the PostGIS software?
> For example, Contains(Polygon,Point) always returns false, but 
> Contains(Polygon,Polygon) returns the appropriate boolean.

Do you have examples? That is not what I get:

baw=# select contains(geomfromtext('POLYGON((0 0,0 2,2 2,2 0,0
0))',4326),geomfromtext('POINT(1 1)',4326));
(1 row)

baw=# select contains(geomfromtext('POLYGON((0 0,0 2,2 2,2 0,0
0))',4326),geomfromtext('POINT(-1 1)',4326));
(1 row)

Thus true when the point is inside & false when it isn't, as it should be.

> Is there a document that specifies this?

There are two documents that are relevant, the PostGIS docs at www.postgis.org,
but also the SFS whitepaper at:
which more fully defines the SFS functions which are implemented by PostGIS.


  Brent Wood

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