[postgis-users] where to register to submit bug?

Mark Cave-Ayland mark.cave-ayland at ilande.co.uk
Mon Oct 29 10:55:19 PDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-10-29 at 18:46 +0100, ivan minčík wrote:
> my detail are:
> Debian Etch stable.
> select postgis_full_version();
>                                postgis_full_version
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  POSTGIS="1.1.6" GEOS="2.2.3-CAPI-1.1.1" PROJ="Rel. 4.5.0, 22 Oct 2006" 
> (1 row)
> but the same problem was when I tried the newest version of postgis.
> ########################################################
> BUT ->
> when I try
> select simplify('MULTIPOLYGON(((-333399.63 -1270249.25,-333416.78 
> -1270247.43,-333415.54 -1270231.88,-333411.49 -1270209.38)),((-333408.1 
> -1270235.32,-333408.8 -1270244.32,-333401.1 -1270245.02,-333400.5 
> -1270236.12,-333408.1 -1270235.32)),((-333397.27 
> -1270210.4)),((-333397.58 -1270214.37)))', 500);
> ERROR:  geometry contains non-closed rings
> result is the same as Yours
> ##########################################################
> but when i try to
>  select simplify(the_geom,1000) from kataster where icutjcpa = 
> '8601232244003'; server closed the connection unexpectedly
>         This probably means the server terminated abnormally
>         before or while processing the request.
> The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.
> !>
> ############################################################
> icutjcpa = '8601232244003' is that object
> select astext(the_geom) from kataster where icutjcpa = 
> '8601232244003';                                                                                                                                         
> astext
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  MULTIPOLYGON(((-333399.63 -1270249.25,-333416.78 -1270247.43,-333415.54 
> -1270231.88,-333411.49 -1270209.38)),((-333408.1 -1270235.32,-333408.8 
> -1270244.32,-333401.1 -1270245.02,-333400.5 -1270236.12,-333408.1 
> -1270235.32)),((-333397.27 -1270210.4)),((-333397.58 -1270214.37)))
> (1 row)
> #############################################################

Strange. Can you provide a self-contained .sql file that creates the
table, loads the geometry and exhibits the bug? Also, if you pg_dump
your existing database and then pg_restore into a new database, does the
problem still occur?

Kind regards,


ILande - Open Source Consultancy

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