[postgis-users] Mac OS X development - anyone have a Mac available for testing?

William Kyngesburye woklist at kyngchaos.com
Sun Sep 2 18:10:07 PDT 2007

On Sep 2, 2007, at 6:58 PM, Webb Sprague wrote:

> I built postgis, and installed proj, geos, and postgresql from fink.
> With postgis, I give it a special prefix in ./configure, but that is
> all. (I don't fiddle with optimizations or anything).
Fink could be the source of the trouble, though I don't know where or  
how.  I've had problems with it myself in the past, years ago when I  
was starting on the porting thing, and finally ditched it when I  
learned enough about building unix software from source.  And I've  
talked with others (in recent years) trying to (unsuccessfully) mix  
Fink/Macports and external libraries and sources, and the only  
reliable solution was to completely eradicate it from the system.

You might want to try to get Fink to add PostGIS, or ask their  
support for any ideas on what might be causing problems (if it is  
Fink causing it).

The prefix is the only other possibility I can think of.  Try  
configuring without that (use the --with-pgsql= option instead), so  
it installs in the postgres library dir.  It's simple to remove if  
that doesn't do it.

Hmm, I was just looking back at your previous emails.  I see your  
original configure line was:

./configure  --prefix=/usr/local/postgis-1.3.1

/usr/local is not where Fink puts its stuff (it's /sw).  Are you sure  
you use Fink?  Or did you try installing and using it later?  Or  
maybe you have Fink installed, but compiled proj and geos from scratch?

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

All generalizations are dangerous, even this one.

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