[postgis-users] PgRouting schema qualified tables etc.

Düster Horst Horst.Duester at bd.so.ch
Thu Dec 11 02:17:24 PST 2008

I played a little bit with pgrouting to build a routing plugin client for QGIS. In principle it works fine but I found out some annoyances: 
1. The functions like shortest_path, dijkstra etc. don't respect schema qualified tables. 
2. always it is supposed and hard coded that GID is the primary key column of the table. 
3. always it is supposed and hard coded that the_geom is the column name of the geometry column. 
I have attached a modified version of the dijkstra_sp function to make this function more generic. 
Perhaps you can modify all other dependencies of the pgRouting functions in this way. 
Dr. Horst Düster 
GIS-Koordinator, Stv. Amtschef 
Kanton Solothurn 
Bau- und Justizdepartement 
Amt für Geoinformation 
SO!GIS Koordination 
Rötistrasse 4 
CH-4501 Solothurn 
Telefon ++41(0)32 627 25 32 
Telefax ++41(0)32 627 22 14 
mailto:horst.duester at bd.so.ch 
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