[postgis-users] The Old Who is using PostGIS survey again?

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Tue Dec 30 12:07:08 PST 2008

1) In the City of Uster (Kanton Zurich, Switzerland) we use 
PostgreSQL/Postgis as a central (geo)-data-warehouse. We import survey 
data, data on energy supply (electricity, water, gaz) and waste-water 
management and all additional geodata the city manages (urban planning, 
nature, agriculture, traffic, street management, etc.)

We also use Postgis for data analysis and report generation. We use it 
in conjunction with QuantumGIS, GRASS and Autodesk software. Sometimes 
we do the analysis directly with SQL and export the data to SVG/HTML/PDF.

2) It is quite feature complete and offers more (geo)-functionality than 
most commercial databases. PostgreSQL offers advanced database 
technology (like Oracle) at a much lower price. It is also easy to 
extend by ourselves and it is easy to find developers to extend it 
feature-wise if it is too complex for us to implement it by ourself.

3) It is always good to have a book for learning new technology. For the 
more advanced users it would be good to have some hints on improving 
performance (eg tweaking postgresql.conf settings), indexes, query 
optimization, etc. For all users it would be great to have spatial 
queries to build upon. It would be great if the queries could be 
visualized somehow with graphics or demo-data supplied to play with.

It would also be great to have chapters on more advanced topics like 
linear referencing, routing with PostGIS and the intersectionPatternMatrix.

A text on interpreting the output of the "Explain" command would also be 
great in order to allow query optimization.

Speaking for Switzerland I can say that there is a lot of interest in 
PostgreSQL/Postgis because it is easier to maintain than oracle at lower 
prices. The one missing bit for a break-trough and wide use in 
Switzerland is proper curve-support for circular-arcs - not only for 
data-storage but also for all the algorithms (data analysis) and related 
tools (QGIS, GRASS, etc.). This is implemented in OracleSpatial and 
still missing in PostgreSQL - the one major reason for many in 
Switzerland to stay with OracleSpatial.


Paragon Corporation wrote:
> Leo and I have a good portion of a PostGIS book written.  Ideally we would
> like to get a publisher to publish it, but seem to be running into the same
> obstacles.  No publisher seems to think people use PostGIS to warrant enough
> demand for a book dedicated to it.
> So to make a decent case for a book, can each of you in your own words
> describe
> 1) How you use PostGIS?
> 2) What you find useful about it over anything else?
> 3) Why you think there should be any book written focused on its use and of
> course if such a thing were to exist, would you buy it?
> Of course I'll also need some official download stats etc. which hopefully
> the Refractions group can help out with.  I think Mark Cave-Ayland had
> posted some stats a while back, but can't find them.
> Thanks,
> Regina
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Andreas Neumann
Böschacherstrasse 6
CH-8624 Grüt (Gossau ZH)
Phone: ++41-44-2736668
Email: a.neumann at carto.net

Web: http://www.carto.net/neumann/
SVG Examples: http://www.carto.net/papers/svg/samples/
SVG.Open: http://www.svgopen.org/

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