[postgis-users] Problem accesing Postgis from Geoserver

Gabriela Messner gabmessner at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 09:45:48 PST 2008

I´m traying to access Postgis tables from Geoserver. (newbie...)

First, i create a new Data Store (feature data type = postgis) and point it
to the postgis database with the parameters. I fill the field 'schema' with
the value 'public' where the table 'rivers' is stored.

My first question is:¿when tables are stored in diferent schemas do i must
create diferent Data Stores for each one?

Second, i create a new FeatureType that points the new Data Store. I can see
the new 'postgis:::rivers' in the drop-down 'Feature Type Name', but several
errors happens now:

- When the 'FeatureType Editor' opens the box SRS appears with value -1 and
with the following text: 'SRS WKT:  Could not find a definition for:
 (the real EPSG code is 23030 as is indicated in the 'geometry-columns'
table of postgis.
- The Bounding Box is empty and when traying to Generate it the following
message is returned: 'El FeatureType 'rivers' tiene extensi&oactute;n NULL.
HINT: el conjunto de datos está vacío o no contiene un atributo geométrico
por defecto.' when, in fact, it has a geometry column (the_geom).

Any help will be hugly appreciated!
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