[postgis-users] Rounding the angle of the polygon

Christian Schwartze christian.schwartze at uni-jena.de
Thu Jan 17 11:01:12 PST 2008


if I got your point of question correctly, why not calculating with the
bounding box of relevant polygons?


Am Donnerstag, den 17.01.2008, 09:32 +0100 schrieb Witteveen, Eduard:
> Hello,
> I have a large collection of polygons, where each polygon represents the shape of a building. The quality of the data is not perfect , but it can be used in a good way to give orientation in a map. However the problem is that not all the corners are 90 degrees, due to the quick-and-dirty way we gatherd the data. I want to change the corners, within a certain treshold (85-95), to become 90 degrees so it "looks" better on the orientation-map (and i think it will even improve the quality of my data, but im not sure of this).
> Question: 
> 	Is there a way to round the angle of the corners to 90 degrees of a polygon, where the corner is between 85 and 95 degrees? If this can't be done in (pl)sql, what would be "the way" to do this?
> Furthermore, i've did searches on the mailinglist/google/oracle/.. but i couldnt find any leads except for the "degrees" function but im not sure how this method could help me
> Eduard Witteveen
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