[postgis-users] pgrouting and postgis

Daniel W gentoo.murray at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 09:26:27 PDT 2008


i am new to Postgis and pgRouting and i am trying to route over some
data, but it doesnt work for me.

I installed a routing database with following commands as described in
the pgrouting online tutorial

The data, which i want to use for routing, I got from the
Openstreetmap projekt. I wrote me a program, which parse the xml file
and write the data in a database.
My Table with the name "subways" was created with the following command:

CREATE TABLE subways (ID integer , startNode integer REFERENCES
nodes(ID), endNode integer REFERENCES nodes(ID), cost double
precision, name char(40), x1 double precision, y1 double precision, x2
double precision,y2 double precision, PRIMARY KEY(ID, startNode,

And the table looks like that:

id= way id
name = name of the street
startnode, endnode are the IDs of the nodes
x1,y1 are the coordinates of the startnode
x2,y2 are the coordinates of the endnodenode
cost = length of the way

 id   | startnode |  endnode  |         cost         |
  name                   |    x1     |     y1     |    x2     |     y2
    0 |    140530 |    140555 |      8.5403091715829 |
                         | 8.3889675 | 53.0587826 |   8.28445 |
    2 | 206374638 |  26870008 |    0.320998562351643 |
                         | 8.2145964 | 53.1430959 | 8.2168197 |
    3 | 201754820 |  92909800 |    0.172230180241359 | Industriestraße
                         | 8.1939216 | 53.1498095 | 8.1965042 |
    5 |  26869963 | 165748872 |   0.0268226987132517 |
Heiligengeistwall                        | 8.2087014 | 53.1412273 |
8.208876 | 53.1414446
    6 | 165748872 |  26869964 |   0.0208274380181027 |
Heiligengeistwall                        |  8.208876 | 53.1414446 |
8.2090004 | 53.1416164

(In another Table named nodes, i have every Point-ID with coordinates)
If I try now the routing function A-Star.....

SELECT * FROM shortest_path_astar('SELECT id, startnode as source,
endnode as target, cost, x1, y1, x2, y2 from subways', 31567898,
96012788, false, false);

... I get following error code:

server closed the connection unexpectedly
        This probably means the server terminated abnormally
        before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded.

I hope you can help me, my system is:

Gentoo Linux 64 Bit
postgresql  8.0.15
postgis 1.3.1
pgrouting 1.02

Best regards,

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