[postgis-users] Minimum Bounding Circle - was Roeck Test

Bruce Rindahl rindahl at lrcwe.com
Thu Oct 30 08:27:09 PDT 2008

As mentioned by LEE and confirmed by me there are cases where this can 
fail.  The issue is in the first part of the code - finding the diameter 
of the shape.  This is not a trivial problem (Google "Diameter of a 
Convex Polygon").  I can see why my code is failing when you look at the 
edge cases but haven't yet found a solution.  I am trying to avoid a 
brute force approach (check the distances of every pair).

Burgholzer,Robert wrote:
> Bruce,
> This is nice work!  Certainly seems as if the problem is more complex
> than I had hoped!
> r/b/
> Robert W. Burgholzer
> Surface Water Modeler
> Office of Water Supply and Planning
> Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
> rwburgholzer at deq.virginia.gov
> 804-698-4405
> Open Source Modeling Tools:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/npsource/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
> [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of
> Bruce Rindahl
> Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 1:42 PM
> To: PostGIS Users Discussion
> Subject: [postgis-users] Minimum Bounding Circle - was Roeck Test
> The following is a procedure for a Minimum Bounding Circle of a 
> geometry.  It works with polygon geometry but it should also work with 
> others.  Anyone who is interested please test and comment.  This was 
> fun  :-)
> Bruce Rindahl
> -- Function: mbc(geometry)
> -- DROP FUNCTION mbc(geometry);
>   RETURNS geometry AS
> $BODY$
>   DECLARE    
>     hull GEOMETRY;
>     ring GEOMETRY;
>     center GEOMETRY;
>     radius DOUBLE PRECISION;
>     idx1 integer;
>     idx2 integer;
>     l1 GEOMETRY;
>     l2 GEOMETRY;
>     p1 GEOMETRY;
>     p2 GEOMETRY;
>     -- First compute the ConvexHull of the geometry
>     hull = convexHull($1);
>     -- convert the hull perimeter to a linestring so we can manipulate 
> individual points
>     ring = exteriorRing(hull);
>     -- Compute the diameter of the the convex hull
>     -- The method is from  Shamos (1978)
>     -- The idea is to "roll" the polygon along the ground and find the 
> maximum height of the bounding box
>     -- Start with the side from the last point to the first point.
>     p1 = PointN(ring,NumPoints(ring)-1);
>     -- Set distance check to 0
>     dist = 0;
>     FOR i in 1 .. (NumPoints(ring)-1)
>         LOOP
>             -- Compute the azimuth of the current side
>             a1 = azimuth(p1,PointN(ring,i));
>             -- Rotate the polygon by 90 degrees + the azimuth this makes
> the side horizontal
>             -- and compute the height of the bounding box
>             d = ymax(box3d(rotate(ring,pi()/2+a1))) - 
> ymin(box3d(rotate(ring,pi()/2+a1)));
>             -- Check the distance and update if larger
>             IF (d > dist) THEN
>                 dist = d;
>                 idx1 = i;
>             END IF;
>             -- Drag the current vertex along for the next side
>             p1 = PointN(ring,i);
>         END LOOP;
>     -- The diameter (maximum distance between vertexes)
>     -- is from either point idx1 or idx1-1.  Compute the points at those
> indexes
>     p1 = PointN(ring,idx1);
>     IF (idx1 = 1) then
>         p2 = PointN(ring,NumPoints(ring)-1);
>     ELSE
>         p2 = PointN(ring,idx1-1);
>     END IF;
>     --  Now find the vertex furthest from p1 or p2.  The will be the
>     -- other end of the diameter
>     dist = 0;
>     FOR j in 1 .. (NumPoints(ring)-1)
>         LOOP
>             IF (distance(PointN(ring,j),p1) > dist) THEN
>                 dist = distance(PointN(ring,j),p1);
>                 idx2 = j;
>             END IF;
>             IF (distance(PointN(ring,j),p2) > dist) THEN
>                 dist = distance(PointN(ring,j),p2);
>                 idx2 = j;
>             END IF;
>         END LOOP;
>     -- idx2 now has the point index of the other end of the diameter
>     -- Compute which is the starting point - p1 or p2   
>     IF (distance(PointN(ring,idx2),p2) > distance(PointN(ring,idx2),p1))
>         idx1 = idx1 - 1;
>     END IF;
>     IF (idx1 = 0) THEN
>         idx1 = idx1 + NumPoints(ring) - 1;
>     END IF;
>     -- We now have the diameter of the convex hull.  The following line 
> returns it if desired.
>     --RETURN MakeLine(PointN(ring,idx1),PointN(ring,idx2));
>     -- Now for the Minimum Bounding Circle.  Since we know the two 
> points furthest from each
>     -- other, the MBC must go through those two points. Start with those
> points as a diameter of a circle.
>     -- The radius is half the distance between them and the center is 
> midway between them
>     radius = distance(PointN(ring,idx1),PointN(ring,idx2)) / 2.0;
>     center = 
> line_interpolate_point(MakeLine(PointN(ring,idx1),PointN(ring,idx2)),0.5
> );
>     -- Loop through each vertex and check if the distance from the 
> center to the point
>     -- is greater than the current radius.
>     FOR k in 1 .. (NumPoints(ring)-1)
>         LOOP
>         IF(k <> idx1 and k <> idx2) THEN
>             dist = distance(center,PointN(ring,k));
>             IF (dist > radius) THEN
>                 -- We have to expand the circle.  The new circle must 
> pass through
>                 -- three points - the two original diameters and this
> point.
>                 -- Draw a line from the first diameter to this point
>                 l1 = makeline(PointN(ring,idx1),PointN(ring,k));
>                 -- Compute the midpoint
>                 p1 = line_interpolate_point(l1,0.5);
>                 -- Rotate the line 90 degrees around the midpoint 
> (perpendicular bisector)
>                 l1 = 
> translate(rotate(translate(l1,-X(p1),-Y(p1)),pi()/2),X(p1),Y(p1));
>                 --  Compute the azimuth of the bisector
>                 a1 = azimuth(PointN(l1,1),PointN(l1,2));
>                 --  Extend the line in each direction the new computed 
> distance to insure they will intersect
>                 l1 = 
> addPoint(l1,makepoint(X(PointN(l1,2))+sin(a1)*dist,Y(PointN(l1,2))+cos(a
> 1)*dist),-1);
>                 l1 = 
> addPoint(l1,makepoint(X(PointN(l1,1))-sin(a1)*dist,Y(PointN(l1,1))-cos(a
> 1)*dist),0);
>                 -- Repeat for the line from the point to the other 
> diameter point
>                 l2 = makeline(PointN(ring,idx2),PointN(ring,k));
>                 p2 = line_interpolate_point(l2,0.5);
>                 l2 = 
> translate(rotate(translate(l2,-X(p2),-Y(p2)),pi()/2),X(p2),Y(p2));
>                 a2 = azimuth(PointN(l2,1),PointN(l2,2));
>                 l2 = 
> addPoint(l2,makepoint(X(PointN(l2,2))+sin(a2)*dist,Y(PointN(l2,2))+cos(a
> 2)*dist),-1);
>                 l2 = 
> addPoint(l2,makepoint(X(PointN(l2,1))-sin(a2)*dist,Y(PointN(l2,1))-cos(a
> 2)*dist),0);
>                 -- The new center is the intersection of the two
> bisectors
>                 center = intersection(l1,l2);
>                 -- The new radius is the distance to any of the three
> points
>                 radius = distance(center,PointN(ring,idx1));
>             END IF;
>         END IF;
>         END LOOP;
>     --DONE!!  Return the MBC via the buffer command
>     RETURN buffer(center,radius,48);
>   END;
> $BODY$
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