[postgis-users] Install postgis on a different schema

Kevin Neufeld kneufeld at refractions.net
Tue Nov 24 15:33:39 PST 2009

Hi Mark,

Yes, that's exactly why I wrote that function.  The idea is that whenever you restore a schema from backup or add/remove 
numerous spatial tables to/from your database, you can quickly register them again with PostGIS.  This saves you the 
headache of trying to backup a portion of the geometry_columns table (that which is relevant to the schema being backed up).

Also, the geometry_columns table hasn't always been stable, meaning the table structure has changed in the past.  So 
then you'd have to contend with a mismatched restore script into a modified table. Yuk.

Nope, leave it to PostGIS to regenerate PostGIS metadata.  There's talk of turning this table into a view down the road 
so this would all be a moot point anyway.


MarkW wrote:
> Thanks Puneet - sorry for the confusion. I was referring to the 
> "geometry_columns" table - I believe it's always in the public schema 
> along with postGIS functions and not in each schema; I wonder if I need 
> to worry about backing that up, or is this what one of the newer 
> functions is for:
> http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation/manual-1.4/Populate_Geometry_Columns.html
> Mark

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