[postgis-users] Signal 11

Martin Spott Martin.Spott at mgras.net
Mon Dec 20 13:56:31 PST 2010

Hi folks,
I'm having a case where a certain statement reproducibly crashes the
server process. The system is running Solaris10 on Intel Xeons, all
specific software is compiled into 64-bit binaries using GCC-3.4.3:

 - PROJ.4 4.7.0
 - GEOS 3.2.2
 - libiconv 1.13.1
 - PostgreSQL 9.0.1
 - PostGIS 1.5.2

I have created a (rather largish) SQL script, containing just one
single "ST_Difference" statement plus two POLYGON's, which reproducibly
segfaults the server:


Would anyone do me the honour of checking wether it works correctly on
their system ?

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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