[postgis-users] exterior rings in multipolygons

Mr. Puneet Kishor punk.kish at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 13:40:34 PDT 2011

Please help me understand the following

    ST_Nrings(the_geom) nr, 
    ST_NumInteriorRings(the_geom) nir, 
    ST_AsText(the_geom) WKT 
FROM table 
WHERE objectid = 280;

nr  nir  WKT
--  ---  ----------------------------------------------------------------
 4    3  "MULTIPOLYGON(((..),(..),(..),(..)))"


Looking at the above, I am assuming the first (..) is the exterior ring, and the remaning three (..) are the 3 interior rings. However,

SELECT ST_ExteriorRing(the_geom) er  
FROM table 
WHERE objectid = 280;

ERROR: ExteriorRing: geom is not a polygon

So, what is going on? Of course, the docs say that ST_ExteriorRing doesn't work on a MULTIPOLYGON. So, is the above only an implementation anomaly, and I can treat the first ring as an exterior ring? Or, is it really something else?

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