[postgis-users] long geometries aren't display on pgAdmin (Windows 7, 64bit)

Barend Köbben kobben at itc.nl
Thu May 26 02:56:19 PDT 2011


It's just PgAdmin not displaying properly, there is actually a value in
the geom column. Try  SELECT ST_IsValid(the_geom) or similar and you'll
find the geometry is actually there, only not displayed by pgAdmin.

Barend Köbben (Senior Lecturer)
ITC - University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information
Science and Earth Observation
PO Box 217, 7500AE Enschede (The Netherlands)
+31-(0)53 4874 253

On 26-05-11 09:41, "toni hernández" <toni at sigte.udg.edu> wrote:

>I already tried with psql without any luck. ;-(
>Let me explain the issue again  with one example.
>When I load a sql, like the one below, on pgAdmin, authomatically the
>geometry disappears from the screen.
>But only when the geometry is 'too' long.
>The insert seems to work fine but only for the columns rec_num and
>data_value. The_Geom column is always empty, even when executing the SQL
>file from psql.
>CREATE TABLE "kirklees" (gid serial PRIMARY KEY,
>"rec_num" numeric,
>"data_value" numeric);
>SELECT AddGeometryColumn('','kirklees','the_geom','-1','MULTIPOLYGON',2);
>INSERT INTO "kirklees" ("rec_num","data_value",the_geom) VALUES
>Yves Jacolin wrote:
>> Le jeudi 26 mai 2011 08:28:32, toni hernández a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> I amb holding a postgresql+postgis course on www.unigis.es
>>> Some of our students have experienced some problems when importing shp.
>>> These students are running postgresql 32 bit on a Windows7 64 bit
>>> I have run the same import with a windows 7, 64bit but haven't
>>> encountered any problems.
>>> The shp2pgsql seems to be working fine (the output looks good) but when
>>> loading the SQL file from pgAdmin some geometries aren't displayed.
>>> I think the longest geometries (not very long indeed) are the ones that
>>> are not displayed.
>>> Any ideas about what's happening?
>>> thanks in advance.
>> Hi Toni,
>> I am not sure to have understood your issue, but I know that PgAdmin
>>have some
>> difficulties to display values of geometry field. If you check it via
>>psql you'll
>> see that all geometry values are in the table.
>> Y.
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