[postgis-users] Client to view Postgis Raster

aperi2007 aperi2007 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 12:01:32 PST 2012

 >It should work. I didn't test much up to now to try to identify
 >problems and their causes (I think that should be the responsibility
 >of the person who wrote the plugin...) but I know it should work with
 >the PostGIS trunk as it is.
 >Try to experiment first with gdal_translate to delimit the problem as
 >the QGIS plugin is based on GDAL. Are you using QGIS.
 >I personally do all my test with OpenJump which can display a
 >vectorization of the rasters. I generally just have to display raster
 >extents (rast::geometry).

Hi Pierre,

I try it but don't seem work.
Now I try with gdal_translate.

However I guess the question is that
I was using qgis-dev from osgeo4w.
That version will use gdal 1.8 don't use gdal 1.9.

However I like to find any client seeing the postgis reaster no 
preference for qgis, no problem to use any other client gis.
So I try with openjump, if it see postgis raster, it is ok for me.

With OpenJump I can skip the paranoid of gdal version. :)



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