[postgis-users] Generalization of 3D-data

Kai Volland volland at terrestris.de
Fri Dec 13 06:39:20 PST 2013

Hey folks,

we got some 3D-surface-data in our postgis-db and we need to 
simplify/generalize it. The geomtype is polyon cause we use a geoserver 
with w3ds extension to publish it.

The data comes from a shapefile with x,y,z-pointdata. The points are in 
regular distance (every 100 meters).

This is of course inefficient and i would like to simplify the data and 
reduce the amount of points without losing information. The shape of the 
surface shouldn't change to much but the neighbouring points of (nearly) 
equal height should be erased.

Any hints or tips on how to do that? (ST_Simplify did just nothing with 
the data.)

Kind regards,


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