[postgis-users] Need a method for "noding" a street network

Nicolas Ribot nicolas.ribot at gmail.com
Thu May 9 04:20:36 PDT 2013

(I spammed this thread a bit with image attachment....)

Hi Steve,

We the given dataset, my approach is indeed slow compared to st_union
approach (though precision for the st_dwithin clause must be adapted to the
current dataset. I took the following precision: 0.000001)

The st_union method generates 18322 segments in 7318 ms, though the final
association between original  lines and new segment is not done here.

With the query I gave, the st_dwithin part takes 11.7 sec on a recent
laptop machine (1.8 Ghz Intel Core I7, 1024 mb of ram for shared_buffer,
512 for work_mem)...

The complete query returns 17292 segments in 17956 ms.

As the lines are almost already noded, it generates a lot of intersection
points coincident with one line ends.

As you noted, intermediate temp tables may help here:

I decomposed the query into intermediate steps and the performance is about
the same as with st_union :

-- First creates temp table with intersection points
drop table  if exists intergeom;
create temp table intergeom as
select l1.id as l1id, l2.id as l2id, st_intersection(l1.geom, l2.geom) as
from bdaways l1 join bdaways l2 on (st_dwithin(l1.geom, l2.geom, 0.000001))
where l1.id <> l2.id;

-- keeps only true intersection points
-- must handle the case where lines intersects at a linestring...
delete from intergeom where geometryType(geom) <> 'POINT';

-- second temp table with locus (index of intersection point on the line)
-- to avoid updating the previous table
-- we keep only intersection points occuring onto the line, not at one of
its ends
drop table if exists inter_loc;
create temp table inter_loc as (
 select l1id, l2id, st_line_locate_point(l.geom, i.geom) as locus
from intergeom i left join bdaways l on (l.id = i.l1id)
 where st_line_locate_point(l.geom, i.geom) <> 0 and
st_line_locate_point(l.geom, i.geom) <> 1

-- index on l1id
create index inter_loc_id_idx on inter_loc(l1id);

-- Then computes the intersection on the lines subset, which is much
smaller than full set
-- as there are very few intersection points
drop table if exists res;
create table res as
with cut_locations as (
select l1id as lid, locus
from inter_loc
 -- then generates start and end locus for each line that have to be cut
buy a location point
 select i.l1id  as lid, 0 as locus
from inter_loc i left join bdaways b on (i.l1id = b.id)
select i.l1id  as lid, 1 as locus
from inter_loc i left join bdaways b on (i.l1id = b.id)
 order by lid, locus
-- we generate a row_number index column for each input line
-- to be able to self-join the table to cut a line between two consecutive
loc_with_idx as (
select lid, locus, row_number() over (partition by lid order by locus) as
from cut_locations
-- finally, each original line is cut with consecutive locations using
linear referencing functions
select l.id, loc1.idx as sub_id, st_line_substring(l.geom, loc1.locus,
loc2.locus) as geom ,
 st_geometryType(st_line_substring(l.geom, loc1.locus, loc2.locus)) as type
from loc_with_idx loc1 join loc_with_idx loc2 using (lid) join bdaways l on
(l.id = loc1.lid)
where loc2.idx = loc1.idx+1
-- keeps only linestring geometries
and geometryType(st_line_substring(l.geom, loc1.locus, loc2.locus)) =

The total time is 7727 ms and it generates 1865 new segments.

I will see if some filtering clauses used here can be ported efficiently in
the big query.

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