[postgis-users] Raster - is it possible to use names for bands?

Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da ricardo.garcia.silva at gmail.com
Fri May 24 07:56:30 PDT 2013

Hello list

I'm taking my first steps in PostGIS rasterland.

I have a large set of multiband rasters to store. It would be very handy to
refer to bands using a descriptive name (for example band1: LST, band2:
Error, etc) but from what I've been reading, it doesn't seem to be possible
to give each band a specific name and I must refer to bands by their
number. Is it really like this?

If this is not possible, what would you advise as an alternative?
- Storing only single band rasters in their own tables? This defeats the
purpose of having multibands.
- Using an extra column in the table, with the names of each band?
- Other?


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Ricardo Garcia Silva
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