[postgis-users] setting up a read only user / group for AutoCAD, ArcGIS, QGIS, and MapServer.

Mark Volz MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Mon Apr 14 05:25:05 PDT 2014


I would like to set up a user account in PostGIS / PostGRES with the following:

*         The user has read only access to all of the layers in a particular database.

*         The user also have read only access to any layers added or updated through the shapefile uploader.

*         The client software may be ArcGIS*, AutoCAD (Map), QGIS, MapServer, etc.

*ArcGIS will use "query layers", not SDE.

If anyone has any cliff notes on how to properly  set up read only permissions please let me know.

Thank You

Mark Volz, GISP

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