[postgis-users] Trouble inserting coordinate values

Evan Phillippi ev_phil at rocketmail.com
Thu Jun 12 14:01:04 PDT 2014

My name is Evan.  I am new to postgis and sql and am attempting to build a databases to store and query data on soil moisture probes installed on farms accross the US.  I have successfully created a table with relevent columns including a geometry.  I used select AddGeometryColumn ('Customers','Coordinates',4326,'Point',2) create the coordinate column.  I am attempting to enter long and lat coordinates of off handwritten notes.  The syntax I used is insert into Customers (Coordinates) value (-89.58124, 44.10570) for the first entry with the following error message insert into Customers (Coordinates)
value (-89.58124, 44.10570)
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "value"
LINE 2: value (-89.58124, 44.10570)
Would certainly appreciate help with this problem.

Evan Phillippi
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