[postgis-users] Point clustering function/algorithms

Miguel-Angel Manso-Callejo (UPM) m.manso at upm.es
Sun Jun 22 05:26:34 PDT 2014

Dear all,

I am interesting on perform spatio/temporal clustering of points 
geometries stored in a postgis layer.

I have looked for any posssible solution implemented in postgis and i 
have not found any one.
I have seen some discussion and proposal based on building a new 
function kmeans for postgresql, but this solution require compile 
Other solution that i have tryed is a pgplsql function that compute 
convexhull of points that not distance more than X m.

My question is:

Have you any alternative solution or have developed more pgplsql 
functions to do perform point clustering in postgis?

Miguel A. Manso

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