Mark Wynter mark at dimensionaledge.com
Tue Feb 10 15:49:47 PST 2015

@ Stephen,  I concur with the replies of Remi and strk from an earlier posting from you several weeks back.  If you trying to do topological cleaning, then perhaps reconsider your tool of choice - e.g. consider doing it in GRASS.
If your use case is simpler, then you may be able to achieve linestrings breaks and insertions where there are gaps in your network using standard (non-topological) PostGIS functions - then build your graph (topology) once you’re happy with the vector lines.  

Am I right in thinking you’re wanting to ingest a whole lot of line strings as a data stream, and incorporate them into a topological network?  Can you provide some context to help everyone’s understanding?

> Thanks.  I am trying to generate nodes I think based on endpoints.  A separate list of nodes does not exist at the onset of this procedure.  At least, that is my perception.

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