[postgis-users] Help with SQL

paul.malm at lfv.se paul.malm at lfv.se
Mon Mar 9 02:21:04 PDT 2020

I have 2 tables:
obstacles (point layer) with a column height_m (INTEGER) and a
polyobstacles (polygon layer)
the point layer has obstacles all over the map and the polygon layer has some polygons containing some of the obstacle points.
Now I would like to select the highest obstacle in each polygon. If there is several points with the same highest height a random obstacle of those highest shall be selected.
Is there someone that can get me on the track for such a query, I'm losing myself in subqueries?
Kind regards,


   Paul Malm

   Operations AIM

   Direct  +46 (0)8 797 70 23  Mobile: +46 (0)708 601115
   paul.malm at lfv.se

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