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Mr ONO, thank you for your answer,
<p>Here is, attached to this mail, the file containing the c code I use,
and header file, with the 2 functions scot_gpc_read_polygon and scot_gpc_write_polygon.
<p>Nicolas Ribot.
<br>Hisaji ONO wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><style></style>
<font face="MS UI Gothic"><font size=-1>Hello.</font></font> <font face="MS UI Gothic"><font size=-1> Until
last February, I've tackled with GPC library with shapelib for triangulation
of polygons to create VRML files.</font></font> <font face="MS UI Gothic"><font size=-1> I've
tried to compile you code in Cygwin on NT 4.0 Sp6a, commneting out some
functions.</font></font> <font face="MS UI Gothic"><font size=-1> Could
you show me two your "original" functions codes, "scot_gpc_read_polygon"
and "scot_gpc_write_polygon"?</font></font> <font face="MS UI Gothic"><font size=-1> Regards.</font></font> </blockquote>