$ ogdi_info -u gltp:/vrf/home/gdata/auslig/Global1M/Global_Map_Data_Australia_1M_2001/Vector/VPF/Australia/Global_Map/Area Projection = `+proj=longlat +datum=nad83' Bounds north = -5.000000 south = -55.000000 east = 170.000000 west = 72.000000 ns_res = 0.010000000 ew_res = 0.010000000 UpdateDictionary = {displaymetada { { CURRENT DATABASE:/home/gdata/auslig/Global1M/Global_Map_Data_Australia_1M_2001/Vector/VPF/Australia/Global_Map DATA HEADER TABLE(DHT): Database_name: globalm Database_description: Generated Digital data based on the Global Map Specification. Media_Standard: ISO 9660 Originator: Geographical Survey Institute Tsukuba Ibaraki Addressee: ATTN: COD MS P-37 NATIONAL IMAGERY AND MAPPING AGENCY 4600 SANGAMORE ROAD BETHESDA, MD 20816-5003 Downgrade_date: 00000000000000.00000 Releasability: UNRESTRICTED Edition_date: 20010612000000.00000 LIBRARY ATTRIBUTE TABLE(LAT): Coverage name: area XMIN: 72.000000 YMIN: -55.000000 XMAX: 170.000000 YMAX: -5.000000 } { CURRENT DATABASE:/home/gdata/auslig/Global1M/Global_Map_Data_Australia_1M_2001/Vector/VPF/Australia/Global_Map LIBRARY LIBRARY HEADER TABLE(LHT): Product_type: Global Map Library_name: area Description: Digital data collected from 1:1,000,000-scale map sheet. Source_series: SEE lineage.doc Source_ID: SEE lineage.doc AND dqarea.aft Source_edition: SAME AS ABOVE Source_name: SEE lineage.doc Source_date: 19900101000000.00000 Downgrading: NO Downgrading_date: 19900101000000.00000 Releasability: UNRESTRICTED COVERAGE ATTRIBUTE TABLE(CAT): Coverage_name: tileref Description: Tile Reference Level: 3 Coverage_name: bnd Description: Boundaries Level: 3 Coverage_name: hydro Description: Hydrography Level: 3 Coverage_name: pop Description: Population Level: 3 Coverage_name: trans Description: Transportation Level: 3 GEOGRAPHIC REFERENCE TABLE(GRT): Data_type: GEO Units: M Ellipsoid_detail: A=6378137 B=6356752 METERS Vert_datum_code: 015 Sound_datum_name: N/A Sound_datum_code: N/A Geo_datum_name: WGS 84 Geo_datum_code: WGE DATA QUALITY TABLE(DQT): Vpf_level: LIBRARY Vpf_level_name: area Feature_complete: All features in this library are captured from the source materials using the rules for feature extraction and inclusion conditions in accordance with this specification. Attrib_complete: All features in this library have valid attribute codes assigned to them in accordance with this specification. Logical_consist: All data are topologically correct. No duplicate features are present within a coverage. All areas are completely described as extracted from the source materials. No undershoots or overshoots are present. All data were consistently captured using the rules described in the documentation table associated with this table and in the various feature table narrative files present at the coverage level within a library. Edition_num: 1 Cration date: 20010612000000.00000 Revision date: 00000000000000.00000 Spec_name: VMap 0 MILSPEC MIL-V-89039 Product Specification Specification date: 19950209000000.00000 Earliest source: 19900101000000.00000 Latest source: 20001231000000.00000 Collection_spec: VMapLV0 MILSPEC MIL-V-89039 Abs_horiz_acc: +/-(0) Abs_horiz_units: METERS Abs_vert_acc: +/-(0) Abs_vert_units: METERS :Rel_horiz_acc: +/-(0) :Rel_horiz_units: METERS :Rel_vert_acc +/-(0) :Rel_vert_units: METERS Comments: Additional descriptions of data lineage are available in the documentation table associated with this data quality table (called lineage.doc). } } } { { family tileref class {Tile Reference} {displaymetadata { } {nodata} } } { family bnd class {Boundaries} {displaymetadata { } {nodata} } } { family hydro class {Hydrography} {displaymetadata { } {nodata} } } { family pop class {Population} {displaymetadata { } {nodata} } } { family trans class {Transportation} {displaymetadata { } {nodata} } } }