Just wanted to post this, to make sure that I am finding the right
definition of netCDF. This is my first exposure to the term.<br><br>
What Is netCDF?<br><br>
NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is an interface for array-oriented data
access and a freely-distributed collection of software libraries for C,
Fortran, C++, Java, and perl that provide implementations of the
interface. The netCDF software was developed by Glenn Davis, Russ Rew,
Steve Emmerson, John Caron, and Harvey Davies at the Unidata Program
Center in Boulder, Colorado, and augmented by contributions from other
netCDF users. The netCDF libraries define a machine-independent format
for representing scientific data. Together, the interface, libraries, and
format support the creation, access, and sharing of scientific
NetCDF data is:<br>
Self-Describing. A netCDF file includes information about the data it
Architecture-independent. A netCDF file is represented in a form that can
be accessed by computers with different ways of storing integers,
characters, and floating-point numbers.<br>
Direct-access. A small subset of a large dataset may be accessed
efficiently, without first reading through all the preceding data.<br>
Appendable. Data can be appended to a netCDF dataset along one dimension
without copying the dataset or redefining its structure. The structure of
a netCDF dataset can be changed, though this sometimes causes the dataset
to be copied.<br>
Sharable. One writer and multiple readers may simultaneously access the
same netCDF file.<br><br>
At 11:16 AM 11/15/2004 -0500, you wrote:<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite><font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080">Hi,
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080"> <br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080">I think I would be tarred and
feathered if I didnt chime in. We deal w/ near real-time ocean
observations, but it is the remote sensing and model forecast data
products that seem to align most closely w/ this thread. I have to
admit that I skimmed the emails, and Im not sure if the data youre
attempting to store is to be used for visualization or data mining, but
maybe our application of PostGIS can apply to both.<br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080"> <br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080">Lets take the model forecast
product as an example. We have at least two hurdles to
overcome: our model data is about 5 days worth of water level,
currents, winds, air pressure for the SE US Atlantic. It is
refreshed daily and is over 10 million points of data. It all
starts out as netCDF, but leaving it in that form to produce images and
animations and time series would be killer. Were entering y3 of our
efforts, and I think weve got a reasonable solution in place.<br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080"> <br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080">Since our model data is hourly,
I break the data into one table per hour and index each table by
space. This works well from an interface point of view since a user
can only look at an hour snapshot of all our data. Its a little
more of a problem to look at something like time series since that
requires me to JOIN the tables to produce a linearly aggregated
product. But its still efficient. At least much more
efficient than my first try at keeping all the data in one table,
indexing it by space and time, and then CLISTER-ing it. That was a
mess and didnt help much in the end.<br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080"> <br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080">In addition to breaking out the
products by time, I create different aggregations of the data by
granularity. Keeping in mind that we are primarily driven by
producing snappy visualizations, I decided that Id break up the data
further into 5 different zoom levels, i.e. levels of granularity.
If the user is looking at the entire SE US, there is no need to have the
source data finely granular simply hit the tables that contain data
appropriate for that extent.<br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080"> <br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080">To recap: We have to
consider the fact that our data is updated near real-time, so index
creation has to be consistent and relatively painless. Ive
established a round-robining scheme such that while machine A is being
updated, machine B (which has a copy of machine As data) accepts DB
queries. Then when machine A is done, queries are returned to As
DB, and then Bs DB is updated. The tables are created as hourly
snapshots of the data. And then they are broken down into 5 zoom
levels (at least the remotely sensed data follows this pattern).<br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080"> <br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080">To get a taste of what Im
talking about, look here:<br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080"><a href="http://nautilus.baruch.sc.edu/seacoos_misc/show_sea_coos_obs_time_ranges.php">http://nautilus.baruch.sc.edu/seacoos_misc/show_sea_coos_obs_time_ranges.php</a>.<br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080"> <br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080">The MODEL data layers (last two
on that page) and the QuikSCAT wind follows the pattern I describe
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080"> <br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080">Charlton<br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080"> <br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080"> <br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080"> <br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080"> <br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080">Charlton Purvis<br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080">(803) 777-8858 : voice<br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080">(803) 777-3935 : fax<br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080">cpurvis@sc.edu<br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080"> <br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080">Baruch Institute<br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080">University of South
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080">Columbia, SC 29208<br>
<font face="arial" size=2 color="#000080"> <br>
<div align="center"></font></div>
<font face="tahoma" size=2><b>From:</b> Yves Moisan
[<a href="mailto:ymoisan@groupesm.com" eudora="autourl">mailto:ymoisan@groupesm.com</a>]
<b>Sent:</b> Monday, November 15, 2004 8:43 AM<br>
<b>To:</b> postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net<br>
<b>Subject:</b> [postgis-users] Re: Massive Lidar Dataset Datatype
<font face="Times New Roman, Times"> <br>
<font face="Times New Roman, Times"> Hi, <br><br>
I am also still pondering how the heck I will be storing potentially
large amounts of water quality [point] data. Integrating on space
as Paul suggests is interesting, but other integration schemes could be
useful, one being integration of the data "by object" (e.g.
sensor, station ...). <br><br>
In the example I am thinking of, a bunch of point data could be boxed
both by time and sensor in the form of a single netCDF file (integration
on object=sensor) for an arbitrary time bin (e.g. a day, a week ...).
I am still very hesitant as to what path is best. Wouldn't a netCDF
file allow me to put all the relevant metadata as well that I could make
sure meets some standard (e.g. FDGC-CSDGM) instead of potentially having
to put that metadata in postgreSQL or an XML database ? Would the
spatial querying machinery be efficient if the data were stored in netCDF
files, e.g. could I still use just the coordinates of my data points in
postGIS with a 3rd field being some sort of pointer to a BLOB in the form
of a netCDF file ? I think if it is just for spatial queries, such
a set up would be fine. But what if I wanted to further parametrize
my queries by some attribute data (e.g. give me all point measurements
< valueOrParameter=A > valueOrParameter=B) ? I guess
depending on volume netCDF files could be opened from within postgreSQL
without it being too heavy an operation ? <br><br>
Your problem is one of sheer data volume and calls for some integration
mechanism, but I think one doesn't have to have a data volume problem to
realize that data integration is, in my opinion, a much more general
problem for all of us. <br><br>
Let us know what solution you chose. I am too very much interested.
Yves Moisan <br><br>
Gerry Creager N5JXS wrote: <br><br>
</font><font face="arial" size=2>Hmmm... Can we start thinking in terms
of a NetCDF data structure? <br>
postgis-users mailing list<br>
<a href="http://postgis.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/postgis-users" eudora="autourl">http://postgis.refractions.net/mailman/listinfo/postgis-users</a></blockquote>
Robert Burgholzer<br>
Environmental Engineer<br>
MapTech Inc.<br>
phone: 804-869-3066<br>
<a href="http://www.maptech-inc.com/" eudora="autourl">http://www.maptech-inc.com/</a></body>