I have been using PostGIS 0.9.1 for awhile and developed some software for our spatial intelligence applications. It works fine under 0.9, but when I run the following query on 1.0.0 I get a "parse error - invalid geometry"<BR>
The query I am running is:<BR>
select asbinary(intersection(rddfpolygon.geom, GeomFromWKB('010300000001000000050000003A6484B530A012418C2BD617CF7C48413A6484B520A112418C2BD617CF7C48413A6484B520A112418C2BD617ED7C48413A6484B530A012418C2BD617ED7C48413A6484B530A012418C2BD617CF7C4841')));<BR>
After a little more digging I figured the problem is in my WKB String. It hasn't changed in my code at all. Is there something in the lwgeom I need to be aware of?<BR>
~Danny Kent<BR>
University of Florida<BR>