<DIV>Hello, <BR>I implemented Norman's solution and got the same problem, with the column getting defined as 'oid' instead of 'geometry'. <BR>I finally found a fix that worked for me. It's actually very simple. All I do is set a 'columnDefinition' for the field in the EJB entity bean. Like this. <BR><BR> @Type(type="mycode.ejb.par.GeometryType") <BR> @Column(name="LOCATION",columnDefinition="geometry") <BR> public org.postgis.Geometry getPoint() { <BR> return _point; <BR> } <BR><BR>I set the 'columnDefinition' to 'geometry', and it seems to work. The column gets created as type 'geometry'. <BR><BR>Hope this helps. <BR><BR>Norman, thanks for your solution! <BR><BR>Daniel <BR></DIV><p>
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