Hi<br>I've just started to use PostGIS and I'm having some difficulty constructing the required SQL.<br><br>I've got a table with a name and a goem column made up from Latitude and Longitude values.<br>I've been trying to perform queries that will return all the entries within a given rectangle.
<br>I have tried a few SQL queries but none of these seem to work the latest one I have tried is the following<br><br>SELECT outcode,x,y from test where<br>geom && 'POLYGON((0.0418 51.3701, 0.0418 51.6273, 0.0591
51.6272, 0.0418 51.3701, 0.0418 51.3701))' ;<br><br><br>THis always returns back 0 rows, even though I have increased the size of the polygon several times to cover a large area <br>and I know there are points within the database that should fall inside this.
<br><br>any help greatly appreciated<br><br>many thanks<br>dio<br>