Hi,<br>I am a green hand to PostGIS.Any advise will be appreciated.<br>Followed the tutorial, I installed PostgreSQL 8.1 with PostGIS.<br>It seems PostgresSQL works well, I can connect to my test database from localhost and try some querys.<br>Error occured when i tried to load lwpostgis.sql.Neither from pgAdmin and Commandline prompt, i got the same error message(s),<br>current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block<br>ROLLBACK<br><br>I tried to query some geometry data with SQL,<br>SELECT name, AsSVG(intersection(Simplify(the_geom,20),GeometryFromText("POLYGON((104 30,105 30,105 32,104 32,104 30))",4326)),1,1) AS svg_geom FROM river WHERE the_geom && setSRID("BOX3D(104 30, 105 32)"::box3d,4326)<br><br>Error message i got is,<br>ERROR: column "POLYGON((104 30,105 30,105 32,104 32,104 30))" does not exist<br><br>Does this caused by lwpostgis.sql not loaded correctly? I am sure the table and geometry data are correctly build there. With SQL "SELECT name, AsSVG(the_geom) from river", I can get right result sets such as<br>("Tuolumne River";"M 255022.56361335239 -4203697.7660685452 254963.30627661903 -4203649.4423545403 ")<br><br>Please help me find out what caused the error of "POLYGON doesnot exist".<br>Thanks in advance.<br><br>Sincerely<br>Alex<br><div id="spnSign"></div><br><!-- footer --><br><br><br><br><br><div style="border-bottom:1px solid #999"></div><br>
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