Hi everyone, <br><br>I have a question regarding the creation in PostGIS of a table that contains information coming from a NMEA GPRMC text string. I get Lat/long coordinates which are then put into their respective columns. A geometry field is then created using the SRID # 4326 (WGS84 Datum - Geographic).
<br><br>1. What format of Lat/long coordinates does PostGIS accept? GPRMC has the coordinate in this format: ddmm.mmmmm. <br><br>2. How do I project the points into WGS84UTM33N? My final goal is to overlay these points as a PostGIS layer on a webmap (Mapserver based) over other data I have which is in that projection.
<br><br>3. Do you know if Mapserver will re-project on the fly in my case? ever? or do I have to take care of this in PostGIS?<br><br><br>thanks a lot - have'nt found really much info on these three points, but maybe I am looking in the wrong places.
<br><br>- Giuseppe<br>