I have just started using PostGis 1.2.0 on Postgresql 8.1.4. Most of the data I wish to store in is Long/Lat type coords in the format ((N|S|E|W) degrees, minutes, seconds, tenths of seconds, hundredths of seconds), with the degrees for latitude being 2 digits and degrees for longitude being 3 digits. The characters N,S,E,W are there just to specify if the relevant coord is north/south of the equator, or east/west of the zero meridian. Is it possible to just store the data in the (D)DD:MM:
SS.TenthsHundredths format (usually WSG84 datum) and use them for calculations, or must i first convert them to the decimal equivalent before saving them ?? And if i have to convert can postgis perform the transformation/calculation for me.
<br><br><br> Cheers,<br><span class="sg"><br>Andy <br></span>