Hello all!<br><br>I'm trying to use PostGIS with SharpMap library to develop GIS applications. However when the PostGIS extension for SharpMap try to run the following query an error occurs:<br><br>SELECT AsBinary(geometry) AS Geom FROM bairros
<br>WHERE geometry && setSRID(box2d('BOX3D(-0.5 -0.302040816326531,0.5 0.302040816326531)'::box3d),29101)<br><br>ERROR: Operation on two geometries with different SRIDs<br>SQL state: XX000<br><br>I believe the "bairros" layer is ok because I can edit it with OpenJUMP without problem...
<br>Anybody can help me with this?<br clear="all"><br>Thanks a lot!<br>