<br>Thought you all might be interested in seeing PostGIS being used in Real Estate. We just launched Estately True Area search, which lets people find homes for sale inside or nearby any
Washington State neighborhood, city or zip code. We also allow users to conduct radius searches. <a href="http://www.estately.com/map/?min_x=-122.41593360900879&max_x=-122.3378276824951&min_y=47.65897077712392&max_y=47.69872930186443&order=days_asc&min_price=-1&max_price=-1&min_feet=-1&max_feet=-1&property_type=both&full_text=&location=ballard&location_buffer=0&search_poly=&zoom=14&search_order=price,feet,property_type,full_text&permalink#map" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">
Click here to see a sample search for Ballard, a neighborhood in Seattle.</a> <br><br>We are happily buffering and transforming points and polygons on the fly! This would not be possible for our two man team without PostGIS and, to a lesser extent, GeoRuby.
<br> <br>Sincerely,<br>Galen Ward<font size="1"><span style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102);"> | Co-Founder | <a href="http://Estately.com">Estately.com</a> | 206-801-1959</span></font>