Hi,<br>I have prepared a course material for training in Jump for Geoscientists.<br>Added a minerological theme in which the final output results in prospectivity map.<br><br>I have used Post-GIS where ever complex bullion operators are needed. This was done smoothly.<br><br>But Iam now held-up in UNION and Intersection. Jump gives an OVERLAY which equals intersection. But the problem needs both<br>Intersected portion and<br>Non intersecting portion together.<br><br>Followed the advise given on this list to get the result. But the result<br>OPENJUMP<br>1.Overlay Layers A, B<br>2. Make union of the result (to use as a mask)<br>3. A-Union and B-union and combine theses two layers<br>4. Add Overlay to this.<br><br>This does the work but you have duplicate geometries which are filled with different attributes in different instances.<br>POSTGIS:<br>Followinf the suggestions on the Postgis list I have tried this query.<br>SELECT strubuf.struclass,
COALESCE(geomunion(strubuf.geometry,<br> geof.geometry), geof.geometry) AS geofac FROM geof INNER JOIN strubuf ON (geof.geometry && strubuf.geometry AND<br> intersects(strubuf.geometry, geof.geometry));<br><br>But this doesnt result in a table geofac<br><br><br><br>This is where I am..<br>But for this additional exercise every thing else is ready.<br>However Proof of Concept for Geoscientists lies in THIS.<br><br><br>Cheers<br>Ravi Kumar<p>
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