<div>This is a re-post of a message from last week. I still have not resolved the issue.</div>
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<div>I am trying to clip one table using the features in another. My query is as<br>follows;<br><br>drop table bio.bnd_evc;<br>create table bio.bnd_evc as<br>select a.buf_dist, b.bio_no, b.bio_code, b.evc, b.constcde, b.consstat
,<br>b.density, intersection(a.the_geom, b.the_geom) as the_geom<br>from bio.bnd_buf as a, bio.evc as b<br>where a.the_geom && b.the_geom<br>and a.buf_dist = 1<br>and intersects(a.the_geom, b.the_geom)<br><br>Both tables have a GIST index. The query returns a table, however there are
<br>several polygons from the evc table, within the bnd_buf table, that are<br>missing. I thought those missing polygons may have had invalid geometries<br>(which is not the case as isvalid(evc.the_geom) returns TRUE for all
<br>geometries) and buffered the evc layer by 0, however this made no<br>difference. One of the missing polygons is completely contained by the<br>selected feature in bnd_buf, but other features that are also completely<br>
contained have been selected. The resultant table also shows (in QGIS)<br>polygons where there were no evc polygons.<br><br>I am at a loss to explain what is going on nor how to correct it.<br><br>Thanks in advance,<br><br>
Craig Feuerhedt<br> </div>