Jason Birch : Thanks for the link .. checked it .. need to do some testings on it, since the data over there is just 3000 edges big, whilst mine is much more, am afraid that the latency will expand at a huger rate .. need to test :)
<br><br>Milo : you mind asking what hardware (if it effects the query) you are processing? and which of the 3 routings are you using? I am interested in Djkastra<br><br>Stephen Woodbridge : Do you suggest that before starting the pgroute, I create a big polygon around the starting and ending point, make sure they intersect and then
<br>pass the route just from this temporary dataset?<br><br><br>Thanks guys for ur help.<br><br>-- <br>Matthew Pulis<br>URL : <a href="http://www.solutions-lab.net">http://www.solutions-lab.net</a><br>MSN : pulis_matthew[@]hotmail.com
<br>ICQ : 145951110<br>Skype : <a href="http://solutions-lab.net">solutions-lab.net</a>