Hi,<br><br>I have a small problem wit shp2pgsql, it doesn't convert my colleague's shapefile correctly.<br>I've attached the 1rec shapefile and the shp2pgsql result in this mail, hope that works.<br><br>I'm using this version: RCSID: $Id:
shp2pgsql.c,v <a href=""></a> 2005/08/29 22:36:14 strk Exp $<br>on windows XP.<br><br>The problem is in two of the boolean fields: "microrelie" boolean and "macrorelie" boolean.<br>
They are both created, but their values don't make it into the INSERT statement. They turn up as empty strings, which is illegal SQL.<br>There are lots (37) of fields in the shapefile.<br>12 other boolean fields are handled correctly.
<br>The "bad" fields are the 24th and the 25th field.<br><br>is this some bug?<br><br>WBL<br>