I have a region_polygons table where region_polygons.rpg_geom is a MULTIPOLYGON.<br>I want to select rows in the geom_table where geom_table.geom_fld is within region_polygons.rpg_geom<br><br>The following idiom works for me, but is waaaay slow (whereas I found other kinds of spatial queries are pretty zippy):
<br><br>SELECT * from geom_table where EXISTS <br> (select rpg_id from region_polygons where<br> geom_fld && rpg_geom and intersects(geom_fld, rpg_geom) and rpg_name='GVRD_OLD')
<br clear="all"><br>Where should I start?<br><br>a) Simplify the multipolygon?<br>b) Joins instead of EXISTS?<br>c) Would putting the literal WK format for the polygon right into the SQL query help?<br>d) ... or something else?
<br><br>-- <br>Robin R Chauhan<br>Pathway Intelligence Inc<br><a href="mailto:robin@pathwayintelligence.com">robin@pathwayintelligence.com</a><br>604-886-3964<br>