I import file in MapInfo format into PostGIS by using ogr2ogr<br>Example<br> export PGCLIENTENCODING=WIN874 // I import file which use this encoding.<br> ogr2ogr -append -skipfailures -f "PostgreSQL" PG:dbname=MapDB ADMIN_BND.TAB -nln ADMIN_BND
<br><br>The map is composed in many file So I have write python script to import file. I import one file per table.<br>While I import I found these error<br> - ERROR: new row for relation "ROADCL" violates check constraint "enforce_geotype_wkb_geometry"
<br> - Error: Character 0x81 in WIN874 encoding cound not mach any character in UTF-8 encoding.<br> - ERROR: geometry requires more points<br><br>I have very headache. Could you sugest a solution or tool to convert a mapinfo to postgis
<br><br><br>-- <br>Surachai Locharoen<br>