>could not access file "$libdir/liblwgeom": No such file or directory<br>I had the same error today.<br>Have you reinstall postgis?<br><br>I find something wrong in my postGIS installation.<br>There seemed no error when <br>
-configure<br>-make<br>-make install<br>But when<br>-make check<br>there is fatal error.<br>>><br>psql: FATAL: permission denied to set parameter "lc_messages"<br>Creating spatial db postgis_reg <br>createdb: could not connect to database template1: FATAL: permission denied to set parameter "lc_messages"<br>
createlang: could not connect to database postgis_reg: FATAL: permission denied to set parameter "lc_messages"<br>psql: FATAL: permission denied to set parameter "lc_messages"<br><br> Something went wrong (no postgis installed in postgis_reg).<br>
For details, check /tmp/pgis_reg_28654/regress_log<br><<<br><br>Maybe you failed to install postGIS, too.<br><br><br><br><br> ---Env-----------------------------------------------<br><div id="mb_0"> HOST_OS: debian<br>
PostgreSQL version: 7.4.17<br> PostGIS varsion: 1.3.2<br> -------------------------------------------------------<br><br>-ishi</div>