Hi,<br><br>I´ve noticed that intersect(a,b) is slow when i compare a (nice and large) geometry with itself.<br>so the syntax is:<br><br>select 'yes' as foo<br>from table1 a, table1 b<br>where a.gid=4<br>and b.gid=4<br>
and intersects(a.the_geom, b.the_geom)<br><br>This particular polygon has about 10 000 points, and the query runs for 4 whole seconds.<br>At the first point that is being compared, however, PostGIS should notice that it has a "positive".<br>
<br>I´m only using postgis 1.0, so this migt have been changed allready. Has it?<br><br>WBL<br><br>